
What Are We Building For The Future?

In the last 10 years, we’ve worked toward resurrecting family trees, but someone has to water and care for them long-term. Now, we will start a new decade of beginnings. New beginnings of building, cultivating and growing a foundation of formation for generations to come.

We are forming deeper transformation that grows its roots deep into counter formation of current culture and inviting those who are far from God to experience an abundant way of living in Jesus! We will ask God to awaken our church to deeper transformation and discipleship to Jesus by intentionally focusing on spiritual disciplines and community.
We will seek to become aware of what we need to re-prioritize about our mission, values, and culture to shift from simply church activity to Kingdom power!

Where Are We Going?

We’re thrilled to share the vision for Phase 3 of our campus expansion! This new development is all about creating space for the life-changing ministry happening every week at our church.

Here’s what’s coming:
  • A New 800-900 Seat Auditorium: To accommodate our growing church family and provide more room for worship.
  • A Dedicated Prayer Room: A 24/7 space for personal and corporate prayer, next steps conversations, and intimate moments with God.
  • Next Steps Rooms: Spaces designed to help individuals take the next step in their faith journey immediately after experiences.
  • More Ministry Opportunities: From expanding our student and kids ministries to providing space for our men’s and women’s community groups, this expansion is all about making room for discipleship and growth.

We believe this isn’t just about building walls; it’s about building opportunities for people to encounter Jesus, grow in faith, and be equipped to live on mission.

What Are We Believing For This Year?

In the next year, we desire to GROW! We will focus on growing in maturity and obedience. If we grow God's people, God will use His people to grow His Kingdom. In OUR REGION as it is in HEAVEN!

Our goal for GROWTH is REVIVAL! Fully surrendered to God's will by making disciples who practice the way of Jesus where they live, work, and play.

We will GROW in:
Year 13 is about Maturity. Leaving behind the "childish" or worthless things that prevent us from knowing God and becoming like Him.
Church-wide "Rule of Life".
D-Groups as primary focus.
Elder/Deacon development.
Discipleship Pathway is complete and running.
Alpha type pathway.
Growing in a desire for God's WORD and God's PRESENCE--PRAYER AND SCRIPTURE.
Discipleship Training Institute.
Leadership Pipeline.
Non-resident Teaching pastors and Resident Teaching Team -Internship.
Reach Center.
Recovery Ministry.
Counseling Center.
Detention Centers.
Feeding Programs for Homeless.
Nursing Home/Vulnerable Ministries.
Diversity and Multi-Ethnic Church.
Refining Mission Partners locally and internationally 

You Can Get Involved In This Vision

Give to the Make A Difference Offering

This annual expansion offering goes toward making a difference in a person, partner, and project. This year, the offering will accelerate:
  • Annual Benevolence.
  • For The City Costa Rica.
  • Portland Cares.
  • Residency Program.
  • Phase 3 Auditorium Drawings (Site Plan and Building Drawing Sets).

Here's how you can accelerate the vision:
  • Make a one-time gift to make a difference.
  • Automate a regular gift spread out over the year.
  • Take a next step of giving.

For more information, click on the video. 

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